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Defines a single-element material or (coupled to a COMPOUND card) a compound


     WHAT(1) = atomic number (meaningful only when NOT coupled to a COMPOUND
               card; otherwise set = 0.)
               No default.

     WHAT(2) = atomic weight in g/mole (meaningful only when NOT coupled to a
               COMPOUND card; otherwise set = 0.)
               Default: computed according to the natural composition of an
               element with atomic number WHAT(1) if not coupled to a COMPOUND
               card, no default otherwise.

     WHAT(3) = density in g/cm**3. Note that if the density is lower than 0.01,
               the material is considered to be a gas at atmospheric pressure
               unless set otherwise by MAT-PROP
               No default.

     WHAT(4) = number (index) of the material
               Default = NMAT + 1 (NMAT is the current number of defined
               materials. Its value is = 25 before any MATERIAL card is given,
               and doesn't change if WHAT(4) overrides a number which has
               already been assigned)

     WHAT(5) >= 2.0: alternate material number (or name, in name-based input)
                     for ionisation processes (this material will be used
                     instead of WHAT(1) for dE/dx etc.)
             0 =< WHAT(5) =< 2: ignored
             < 0.0: reset to default
               Default: no alternate material

     WHAT(6) = mass number of the material: set = 0 unless a specific
               individual isotope is desired. If not zero a nucleus of the given
               mass number is used by the EVAP generator for inelastic
               collisions, else the natural isotopic composition of the WHAT(1)
               element is used (but see Note 9).
               For isotopic composition other than natural or single isotope,
               see COMPOUND

     SDUM    = name of the material
               No default.

     Default (option MATERIAL not given): standard pre-defined
           material numbers are used (see list in (5)).



 MATERIAL          1.    1.0079  8.988E-5        3.       0.0       1. HYDROGEN
 LOW-MAT     HYDROGEN        1.       11.      296.       0.0       0. HYDROGEN
 MATERIAL          6.    12.011     2.265        6.       0.0       0. CARBON
 MATERIAL          6.    12.011       2.0       26.       0.0       0. GRAPHITE
 LOW-MAT       CARBON        6.       -3.      296.       0.0       0. GRAPHITE
 MATERIAL         41.   92.9064      8.57       27.       0.0       0. NIOBIUM
 MATERIAL         48.   112.411     8.650       28.       0.0       0. CADMIUM
 MATERIAL         24.    51.996      7.19       29.       0.0       0. CHROMIUM
 MATERIAL         27.  58.93320      8.90       30.       0.0       0. COBALT
 * Several cases are illustrated:
 * Hydrogen, pre-defined as material 3, is re-defined with the same number, but
 * as monoisotopic 1-H. Command LOW-MAT has been added to force this material to
 * be mapped to CH2-bound 1-H for what concerns low energy neutron transport.
 * Carbon, pre-defined as material 6.0, is re-defined with a different density,
 * and is also redefined with a different name (GRAPHITE), mapped to
 * graphite-bound carbon, and is assigned a number corresponding to the first
 * free slot (26.0).
 * Niobium, Cadmium, Chromium and Cobalt are added to the list, and are assigned
 * further consecutive numbers.